Foreign Missionaries We Support
Go into all the world. Make disciples of every nation. Teach what Jesus taught us. Baptize.

Joe Moses Kpaklah
Liberia, Africa
Joe Moses is from Liberia, Africa. He came to the US by the hand of God through YES, a government sponsored foreign exchange student program. Since his return to Liberia he has faithfully proclaimed the love of Jesus to his countrymen, specifically the blind. He has been involved in many good works such as: Christian Association for the Blind, Bible teaching, Braille Instruction, Christmas parties for the children of his local community, home church services and faithful ministry within his local church. Joe also travels as a laison for disabled persons on behalf of Liberia, as a volunteer.

Doug and Jackee Raught
Doug and Jackee Raught recently transferred from the FireChoir ministry in the Netherlands to International Media Ministries (IMM), located in Madrid, Spain. Their missionary career began with IMM in Brussels, Belgium in 1990, where they helped produce Christian television programming for Europe, Eurasia, Africa and the Middle East for ten years. IMM's mission remains the same. Today, more than ever, media plays a major role in spreading the Good News. IMM has a huge impact in proclaiming the Gospel over satellite and online in more than 70 languages.